Summer Membership

for SUMMER Membership at $220:

Online Membership Registration

New or renewal memberships should be applied for here. Please confirm the Membership Level and fill out the information.
You may pay by eTransfer, or by cheque or cash at the club. On review of your application and payment, a confirmation email will be sent.

If you need to contact the Membership director with a request, please do so at:

For SUMMER Membership at $220.

If paying by eTransfer, please direct it to

Please enter this contact information.

By entering your name below, you agree to the Terms & Conditions noted here.


    Contact Info

    Membership Type - select one (required):

    Your Age Group (select from the drop-down list

    Terms & Conditions

    Must accept all 4 terms and conditions to continue

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    The British Columbia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires we inform members why we collect, use and disclose their personal information. The club collects and uses your name, address, telephone number and email address to fulfill the following: Maintain a register of members to identify and contact members, issue receipts for dues, issue membership cards and list in the club contacts list, to mail club newsletters, contact volunteers, advise members of club functions, obtain permission for use of names or photos in media or club historical records, etc. and to send appropriate cards to members as situations arise.

    Access to personal information is restricted to club members requiring it during the performance of their duties. It is not available in any form to outside agencies or persons except when required to pass on necessary information for the organization of club membership in Bowls BC, insurance, or club functions.

    Lists containing names and phone numbers of member volunteers for various club duties or members signing up for club activities will be maintained by the volunteer committee.