Code of Conduct

Terms and Conditions of Play

The Qualicum Beach Lawn Bowling Club is a volunteer-run organization registered under the British Columbia Societies Act ([SBC 2015] CHAPTER 18).

The purpose of the organization is to provide comfortable and safe lawn bowling facilities and to maintain in good repair those facilities at 665 Jones Street, Qualicum Beach, BC, for the enjoyment of indoor and outdoor lawn bowling for the use of members of the Club and such other guests as may be admitted.

Membership and other fees are assigned by the Board of Directors and approved at the Annual General Meeting, and may be amended from time to time as urgent needs arise.

While every reasonable effort is made to provide a safe environment to members and guests, all entry to the facilities must be with the acceptance of posted liability waivers. The standard Waiver for bowlers is available for review and acceptance on the Club website at

Further procedures for play are also available on the same website.

Questions with respect to procedures, fees, membership or other administrative matters should be referred to the contacts noted on the Club website in the About Us page:



Members and Visitors have a right to:

• Be treated equitably and with respect

• Participate in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination

• Have their privacy and confidentiality treated lawfully and with respect

Members and Visitors must:

• Treat everyone with respect, courtesy, and without harassment

• All members must respect the rights, (not to be harassed, discriminated, or bullied) dignity and worth of all Club Members regardless of age, gender reassignment, disability, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation

• Behave honestly and with integrity

• Comply with the rules and follow all safety requirements and practices of QBLBC

• Observe the rules and etiquette of the sport of bowls as defined by the current governing laws of the sport of bowls along with the Conditions of Play

• Not use obscene, offensive language or gestures or behave in a disorderly manner

• Refrain from behaviour that could offend or embarrass others

• Maintain appropriate confidentiality about dealings that any person has with QBLBC

• Not physically or verbally harass others (includes fight, argue, ridicule, threaten, stalk, etc.)

• Behave responsibly and not motivate or incite any person/s to do or feel anything unpleasant or violent

• Comply with any lawful and reasonable direction given by someone who has authority to give the direction

• Not to provide false or misleading information in response to a request for information that is made for official purposes in connection with QBLBC

• Use the QBLBC resources in an appropriate manner

• At all times behave in a way that upholds the good reputation of QBLBC